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Pavel Macek
English Bio:
Pavel started to train Chinese combatives, boxing and fencing of Hung Kyun style in 1991, studying in USA, Hong Kong and China. Pavel (together with his wife Justyna) is a first StrongFirst certified instructor in Czech republic (SFG, SFG2, SFB, SFL), as well as FMS1, FMS2/CK-FMS specialist, Original Strength coach and Flexible Steel instructor specialist. In 2008 he has opened the first kettlebell gym in Czechia, KB5 Gym Prague.
He currently teaches Chinese combatives (Practical Hung Kyun), strength training (KB5 Gym Prague), MMA, and tactical self-defense for various private and goverment agencies.
Pavel se začal v r. 1991 věnovat čínským bojovým uměním (stylu Hung Kyun) – studoval v ČR, USA, Hongkongu a Číně. Společně se svojí paní Justynou je prvním certifikovaným instruktorem v Česku (SFG, SFG2, SFB, SFL), jakož i FMS1, FMS2/CK-FMS specialista, Original Strength coach, a Flexible Steel instruktor/specialista. V r. 2008 otevřel první kettlebell gym v Česku, KB5 Gym Praha.
V současné době učí čínská bojovová umění (Practical Hung Kyun), silový trénink (KB5 Gym Praha), MMA a profesní sebeobranu pro různé soukromé a vládní subjekty.
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There are currently 3 levels of Flexible Steel Instructors:
Level I Instructor – Has demonstrated a high proficiency in the essentials of the Flexible Steel system and shown an ability to effectively teach others. To find an instructor in your area, click on the country name.
Level II Instructor – Have received further training in Flexible Steel system specialties and advanced curriculum. To find an instructor in your area, click on the country name.
Instructor Specialists – Hand picked experts tasked with Teaching and Leading the Flexible Steel Instructor Certification. They are all kettlebell experts, have an FMS background and most are martial arts experts as well. Be confident you are in great hands with these professionals.