


Flexible Steel is a comprehensive training system with the main focus to become both strong and flexible in perfect balance.  The Flexible Steel system is for everyone.  All ages and ability can benefit and regain the strength and flexibility of youth.  Trainers, you too will benefit from the Flexible Steel system.  Show ​your ​students ​instant ​plateau ​shattering ​results ​in ​both ​strength ​and ​flexibility. The Flexible Steel system borrows many ideas from other training modalities and seamlessly puts them into a logical, progressive order.

“Get more reach for your strength and more strength for your reach” Alexey Senart, Flexible Steel Instructor – Paris, France

Feel the Power!  Experience the Results!

Instant Access to TOP SECRET FORMULAS that will DOUBLE your FLEXIBILITY!!!  Sign Up Now

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Join the ranks of the Flexible Steel team of flexibility experts!

Learn the Flexible Steel system of body hacks that will allow you to show your students instant plateau shattering results in both strength and flexibility.

Get hands on instruction and be assured that you can implement the system safely and effectively.

Join the ranks of our International Flexible Steel Instructors for instant recognition and client referrals. See our team of experts HERE Receive the coveted and detailed Flexible Steel Instructor Manual that has all the formulas for unlocking troublesome stubborn inflexibility that is sapping your movement and power.

Learn Progressions and Regressions that make sense to everyone. Techniques that will benefit the stiffest clients all the way to teaching the most amazingly flexible students to be even more strong and flexible. The system is scalable to pretty much all populations of clients. This is money in your pocket.

Click HERE for information about becoming Flexible Steel.


A Step By Step Instruction Manual For Flexibility “When it comes to flexibility Jon Engum knows his stuff.  I had the opportunity to learn these techniques directly at one of his flexibility workshops where the results were literally instant and dramatic.  Jon Engum’s Flexible Steel is the most direct approach to effective flexibility I’ve found anywhere.  It’s a concise step-by-step manual that eliminates all the guess work.  A structured approach to stretching that tells the student exactly what stretches to do, in what order, and for exactly how many reps and sets.  If you want a no-nonsense instruction without fluff for instant and dramatic gains in flexibility, this is it.  You body will thank you, your competition will respect you and your clients will love you.” – John Scott Stevens, RKCII, CK-FMS, 5th degree black belt Taekwondo

Flexible Steel Book

A Simple System of Secrets for Regaining Your Youthful Mobility and Mastering the Art of Flexible Strength

Flexible Steel Book

7th Degree Black Belt and Taekwondo Grandmaster, Jon Engum currently displays an uncanny combination of flexibility and whipcord strength. Jon moves with speed, suppleness and enviable power—a model to his younger students

and a terror to those who face him in a fight.

But it wasn’t always this way. Because there was a time of crisis in Jon’s martial career where he began to lose his edge—from the effects of aging, plus the wear and tear of constant combat.

This book reveals the complete “Flexible Steel” system Jon Engum developed to regain and maintain his edge as a fighter. But even more importantly, Flexible Steel can give you the most priceless gift of all: the freedom to move, pain-free, with easy power, graceful strength and a sense of fluid well being.

Signed by the Author order HERE

Flexible Steel eBook order HERE


Flexible Steel is my favorite stretching book.  Jon Engum reached his forties before he reached his first split.  Follow his remarkable journey and achieve the flexibility you never thought possible.” – Pavel Tsatsouline

Masterful “Just finished reading Jon Engum’s new book Flexible Steel.  It is excellent explanation of both the methodology of stretching and how to apply it into your own program to safely, quickly and effectively take your flexibility to places you never thought possible.  It is the perfect companion to Pavel’s Relax into Stretch.” – David Whitley, “Iron Tamer Dave”


Flexible Steel  Instructor Certifications & Flexible Steel Indian Clubs Specialty certifications (click on the event location below to register)


April 25                        Flexible Steel Instructor L1 Certification—Chicago, IL  

April 25                        Flexible Steel Instructor L2 Certification—Chicago, IL

May 2                             Flexible Steel Instructor L1 Certification—Athens, Greece

May 17                          Flexible Steel Instructor L1 Certification—New York, NY

May 18                         Flexible Steel Instructor L2 Certification—New York, NY

May 17-18                  Flexible Steel Instructor L1 & L2 Certification—New York, NY

June 14                         Flexible Steel Instructor L1 Certification—Taipei City, Taiwan

June 15                         Flexible Steel Instructor L2 Certification—Taipei City, Taiwan

June 14-15                   Flexible Steel Instructor L1 & L2 Certification—Taipei City, Taiwan

October 4                    Flexible Steel Instructor L1 Certification—Krakow,  Poland

October 5                    Flexible Steel Instructor L2 Certification—Krakow, Poland

October 4-5               Flexible Steel Instructor L1 & L2 Certification—Krakow, Poland

October 17                  Flexible Steel Instructor L1 Certification—Vicenza, Italy

October 23                 Flexible Steel Instructor L1 Certification—Guangzhou, China

October 23-24          Flexible Steel Instructor L1 & L2 Certification—Guangzhou, China

December 12            Flexible Steel Instructor L2 Certification—Vicenza, Italy

Anytime                        Flexible Steel Online Nunchaku Course—Any location

Student Before and After Flexible Steel

Video Front Page


Flexible Steel DVD Fundamentals CoversGet your Flexible Steel Fundamentals DVD!

Featuring 4 follow-along programs that will take your flexibility and mobility and mobility to the next level and beyond.

Get yours today!
Order HERE

Video preview HERE

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